Flourishing in Babylon
We are continuing to look at the theme of building altars to God, by focusing on the life Daniel. Through this series we’ll learn about Daniel's life and what the Bible tells us about how he lived in a hostile and seductive environment much like our world today. We’ll look at some of the key events in his life and see how Daniel was courageous in the face of adversity. We’ll see what it means to tear idols down and how he flourished because of God's mercy and his devotional life.

The prayers of Daniel
Daniel's prayer for Jerusalem can teach us a lot about prayer and repentance. It also teaches us what the prayers of a man who is deeply in love with God sound like.

The Humbling of a King
Marce looks at the humbling of Nebuchadnezzar and asks how can humiliation be a good thing?

Nebuchadnezzar has (another) dream
Marce looks at Nebuchadnezzar's dream and asks how do we respond when God talks to us?

Keeping your eyes on heaven
One of the key things that Daniel did in order to flourish in Babylon was keep his eyes on heaven. Marce explores how he does that in difficult circumstances.

Keeping connected
Daniel lived in exile and in hostile and seductive environment. This morning Richard looks at how Daniel was able to flourish by reading God’s word and the letters that contained the prophetic words that Jeremiah wrote down. By keeping a good connection with God the Holy Spirit he not only flourished personally, but also impacted the community in which he was living.

Daniel makes a stand
Daniel understood that flourishing in Babylon meant being different to the world around him, finding his identity in God rather than society. Marce explores how Daniel did that and how we can do that today.

Flourishing from day to day
Martin looks at Daniel’s life and his secret of flourishing each day by having an unshakeable rhythm of regularly meeting with God.

How to thrive in a relentlessly difficult season
Daniel flourished as a man of God when his life was shaken to the very core and in an environment that didn’t honour God. As we live in a similar environment and testing times, Marcellus looks at what can we learn from the way Daniel handled himself that will help us to flourish in 2021.