Philippians Unity
In this mini-series we look at what the Bible says about unity, based out of the book Philippians. This series speaks into our relationships within the church family, the way we should behave towards one another and more importantly why and how we can live in unity.

Mustn't Grumble
Luke looked at the words at the end of chapter two of Philippians which say we should “do everything without grumbling” and asked whether we can we live without grumbling? He explored what the Bible says, that we need to hold fast to the gospel and then we will be like a shining light.

Deep unity
In Philippians, Paul tells us that unity must run deeply in our church, following Jesus’ example. Martin looks at the worship poem in Philippians 2 and we see how we are transformed as we worship Jesus together.

Hard unity
In Philippians Paul calls the church to an incredibly hard level of unity. Marcellus asked how can unity and love like that ever be achieved ?